Ashlee Simpson Shops at Coach

And you thought you coach crossbodydidn’t see many celebs shopping at Coach… Well, Ashlee Simpson does (if she even counts as a celeb). It looks like Little Simpson did some major shopping at Coach- I wonder what goodies she has in the bag?coach totes What baffles me is that she is merely the sister of Jessica, her album was not huge (at least in my standards), and she just bought a 9,000 sq ft home on an acre of land in California’s San Fernando wallets Whaa?? I’m about to go make Angelina adopt me, then I’ll start a singing career, then I’ll make sure to lip-sing on SNL (since I will have to since I can’t sing at all), and then I can be on my way to a small mansion in Cali. Any of you with me?

Par zhulouboutin5 le vendredi 08 juillet 2011


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